Internal Control and Risk Management System

The Internal Control and Risk Management System, through an exemplary process of identification, measurement, management, and monitoring of the main risks, makes it possible to protect the company's assets, the company's operations, the reliability of financial information, compliance with the law, and to monitor the management of the company correctly, in line with the set objectives.

Risk Management Model

The Internal Control and Risk Management System is an essential and qualifying element of the Corporate Governance of the De Nora Group and plays a fundamental role in the identification, measurement, management, and monitoring of significant risks, making them compatible with the company’s strategic objectives and thus contributing to the creation of medium and long-term value.
The Board of Directors is responsible for the Internal Control and Risk Management System, and the Chief Executive Officer is the Director in charge of overseeing the design, implementation, and management of the internal control and risk management system.
The risk assessment methodology is integrated within the internal processes in place, and the entire management proactively contributes to fostering an environment that promotes risk identification, ensures the expected level of control at all levels, and the alignment between risk exposure and risk tolerance.
In view of the nature of its operations, risks have been classified as follows:
- Strategic Risks: risks arising from external or internal factors such as changes in the market environment, from bad and/or improperly implemented corporate decisions, and from failure to react to changes in the competitive environment, which could therefore threaten the Group's competitive position and achievement of its strategic objectives;
- Financial Risks: risks associated with the amount of financial resources available, with the ability to manage currency and interest rate volatility efficiently;
- Operational Risks: risks arising from the occurrence of events or situations that, by limiting the effectiveness and efficiency of key processes, affect the Group's ability to create value.

The Internal Audit is in charge of independently verifying that the Internal Control and Risk Management System is adequate, fully operational, and functioning, also through the performance of internal audit activities based on the result and the risk assessment.